server-side code generation platform


Smart Code is an API code generator that gives customers the ability to build API Integrations at 5x the speed and 1/2 the cost of traditional methods. Smart Code is a multi-language platform giving customers the flexibility to lift and shift their integrations rapidly without compromising on code quality. Our standardized code reduces your capital expenditure on quality controls by building quality first.

Smart Code does not host your code. We are not an integration platform, we are a code generator. We simply generate the code, you own it.

Why Optimize?

Licensing isn’t a “one size fits all”. Companies usually create decision trees to manage licensing costs. Sometimes we get part of the way down the track before we realize we don’t have enough cores, we aren’t sized for high availability, our traffic exceeds our usage threshold… Licensing has a way of blowing out, and then what do we do? Unless your licensing model is a hybrid of cores and usage, you could find those outliers that do not fit well with the licensing model you have. Smart Code gives you an easy way to lift and shift them to another language that better suits your hybrid needs.

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New Customer?

Whether you have introduced a new language to your company, or onboarding new developers, you need to upskill them so that code is developed with the best practices in mind. Smart Code invests in research and development to produce consistent standardized code so that every API has the appropriate measures in place to safeguard your company from technical debt.

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New Partner?

You have all these external facing APIs and you just made a sale, but before you can make revenue, you have to wait for the customer to integrate it with their existing systems. Smart Code reduces the barrier to entry to get your customers onboarded 5x faster than the traditional method.

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“Smart Code is more than just code automation, it standardizes code for the enterprise.”

Julie Russell
Founder, Diamond Edge IT